The AML/CFT Cooperation Council held its regular meeting for the 4th quarter of 2023
The AML/CFT Cooperation Council held its regular meeting for the 4th quarter of 2023 on December 26, 2023 and discussed following issues:
- Progress updates of the Action plan for implementing AML/CFT National Strategy;
- AML/CFT supervision of reporting entities and their common deficiencies identified;
- Research report on ML/TF risk related to illegal wildlife trade, environmental and mining crimes;
- Financial inclusion and taking AML/CFT measures in correlation with financial access;
- Preparing and submitting Mongolia's Follow-up Report 2024 to the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG);
- Finalizing ML/TF National Risk Assessment report.
As a result of the meeting, member organizations of the AML/CFT Cooperation Council shall ensure effective implementation of the Action plan for AML/CFT National Stategy and made decisions such as preparing and submitting Mongolia’s Follow-up Report 2024 to the APG as per set date.